The Paranormal Log & Analysis Notebook

Now There's An Easier Way...

"Finally", A Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software
that has been designed to easily track your entire investigation and neatly store all your findings, EVP's and Photos and then creates a
 full Professional looking report... 100% Guarantee


ghost hunting software

Friday, July 07, 2023

RE: Paranormal / Ghost Hunting Software

From: Dennis A. Batchelor

paranormal investigations software


Dear Ghost Hunting Enthusiast,


he Biggest problem I've found in my 30+ years of doing Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting has always been keeping track of my equipment and safely storing the information I've gathered while doing an investigation.

Rather the information was from a personal interview or background history of the location it was always a major task not to lose or misplace my notes, not to mention how and where to store my EVP's and photographs without having 20 piles of stuff lying around waiting to be lost.

When I became founder of my own investigative team the problem's only got bigger. I  found the need to keep track of all the equipment, which over time began to be more and more difficult as my collection of tool, equipment and gadgets continued to grow and still does to this day.

I discovered that as my team began to grow I needed to have instant access to their personal info such as address, phone and email. Just as important, I needed  to be able to know what types equipment they've used and how many investigation they were part of.

When our team was small, it was easy to drop a couple emails to get information out to the team... But as we grew, sending email became a greater task as well. I thought to myself... how nice it would be if I could email everyone all at once with 1 click of a button.

But by far the BIGGEST Challenge was after collecting all the background information, doing all the interviews, noting information found during a preliminary investigation, gathering hours upon hour of information and data during the investigation, then reviewing the evidence ....

How could I put all this together in to one neat, professional looking package to give to the client?



" What If ..."
 I had Paranormal Software that would.......


Store Your Team Members Profiles
and Track Their Performance

ghost hunting equipmentInvestigator's Profile and  Statistics

Easily add edit or delete any information about any investigative team member. Here you collect and store all pertinent information on all your team members: Name, Address, Email, Phone, Cell, Number of Investigations, Status and Certification Level.

ghost hunting equipmentEquipment Inventory/List
 In doing an investigation you use a large variety of tools and equipment. This is where all that information will be store so as you make your report you may choose one two or all pieces of your equipment arsenal to be added and  included in your final report. This list is also easy to add, edited and delete as your arsenal grows...
ghost hunting equipmentEmail Members
 This is a feature that your going to love as it allows all members who have been added to the "Investigators Profile" list to be included in a bulk email...This is a wonderful way to keep members updated in one easy step.
ghost hunting equipmentTypes of Activity
 As Paranormal investigators we all know there are many different types of activity we may come in contact with. i.e. Shadows, apparitions, orb, etc...

Here you will again be able to add and compile a list of all types of activity and with a click of your mouse add all activity that was  experience during a given investigation directly to your report.

paranormal softwareImport EVPs Recordings
 Here another convenient feature...While you can't print out .wav or.mp3 files  you can save them to your investigations report and easily pull them up as needed. Use your favorite media player to listen to them playback.

If your final report is on CD or DVD, recordings then would be available to all whom maybe interested in listening to the EVPs your team captures during it's investigation.

paranormal softwareImport Photos
 This great little feature lets you add as many jpeg photos as you wish to your report and neatly places them 4 to a page when printing them out as part of your final report.
paranormal softwareImport "Your Own" Custom Logo
 You can add your very OWN custom logo to just the cover page of the report or to all the pages by simply importing your design directly to The PLAN with a click of the mouse...It's really that easy !
paranormal softwareCover  Letter Design
 In addition to adding your own custom logo, The PLAN provides an area which you may add any additional contact, slogans or any other types of information directly beneath your logo.

You then may move everything to be located to the top left, right or center of the page.
paranormal softwareCustomizable Look and Feel Settings
 Here you going to find page "text and background" color options this is where each individual user may customize the look and feel of The PLAN to suit their tastes.

In addition here is where your also going to be able to choose the "Case Management" pages your wish to include in your final report.

paranormal softwarePassword Protect
 If a user wants to protect a report for any reason they may do so by adding a password to protect any type of editing without first entering that users password, however protected reports may still be viewed by all, just not editable.
Video Supported Help Page

You can get help at anytime while using The PLAN. Go to the top menu and select "Help" and if your connected to the internet you will immediately be taken to the "Help Page"paranormal investigations software

There you will find video tutorials to help guide you though every step of the program.

You may pause, fast forward or rewind so you can learn at your own pace.

If for any reason your unable to find an answer to your problem you'll find a direct email address , and I will respond A.S.A.P.


f your serious and are investing your hard earned
money into Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigations Equipment, It just makes sense that this Software should be your Top Priority !!!

Craig Mitchell / MVPs -Mountain Valley Paranormal Society


I Have Been Intrigued With Ghost, and
the Paranormal for Many, Many Years !!!


I have done literally hundreds of investigation though out my 35+ years and I'm still very active and enjoy a good "Ghost Hunt".

Though out my many years I have seen many changes in technology and now, there are so many toys, tools and gadgets out, that it makes it possible for nearly anyone ...who wishes... able to make contact in one way or another.

It was though these many investigations that I began to gather my ideas for a software. This software is designed specifically for Paranormal Investigations and Ghost hunting by me personally.

The Paranormal Software or if you wish Ghost Hunting Software took nearly a year to design and then write. The end result is like no other software on the market...anywhere.

I have taken The PLAN and tailored it so that each step follows and flows with the logical order of and investigation so that each step can be easily logged and then saved and password protected until you make your final entry and produce a professional looking PDF Booklet or Word Document.

Nothing was left out and I'm sure you too will be among the thousands of other satisfied customers.


So What Exactly Is...
" The PLAN "


 Introducing " The PLAN "
 The Paranormal Log & Analysis Notebook

This Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software is designed to easily track your entire investigation, manage evidence and print full reports and neatly store your findings for quick and easy ghost hunting softwareaccess for future reference.

The PLAN Investigation Software is a case by case management software that provides a simply, user friendly solution for managing all aspects of your investigations.

The PLAN Investigation Software lets you and every member of your team easily manage evidence and prepare professional reports in a matter of minutes. The PLAN also allows users to go back and edit or update reports as well as offers the security of optional, password protection.

This Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software is simple and easy to use and provide you with "Step By Step Video Tutorial" so any user can quickly be up and running in a matter of minutes.

The PLAN has a variety of unique features 
your sure to appreciate !!!

ghost hunting softwareTracks Investigators Certification Level

paranormal investigations softwareEmail All Members At One Time

Tracks All Your Tools & Equipment

paranormal investigations softwareStores Types of Activity

Built In Auto Fill  Features When Making a Report

Import/ Export EVPS and Photos

Allows User To Password Protect Reports

paranormal investigations softwareStep By Step Video Tutorials


Let's Take A Quick Tour
And Discover More About
" Case Management "

Each Of Your Reports Will Include:

  • Date & Timeparanormal investigations software
  • Case Name and Assigned Number
  • Contact Name, Phone and email
  • Record Location and Directions
  • Property Owners Name and Phone
  • Owner Contacted (check box)
  • Permission Waivers Signed (check box)
  • Privacy Waiver Signed (check box)
  • Reporting Party's Information
  • Additional Notes

*** Added Feature***
The PLAN Also Access's Google Map directly from program for fast directions to a location. Cut and paste directions directly to the "directions" data field.

Witness Statements and Report
Case Management 

Here you can add as many witness statements as you wish and keep them neatly organized for quick review.

One of the most important parts to any investigation, be it paranormal or otherwise is gather as much information as possible prior to investigating the actual scene.

Here's where you report all the information the investigators gather though personal interviews of anyone having knowledge of primary location.

Information involving a specific location, personal experience, sighting  or historic background knowledge etc... can all be entered here as well as personal contact information pertaining to each witness for later contact if more information is ever needed.

The Witness Statement Reports allow users to analyze and compare vital information which will assist in determining  and analyzing similarity to other reports.

The information gathered here will also give you a fair idea of what you'll be looking for as far a the paranormal but also possible non-paranormal explanation as to a probable cause as well as aid in pre investigation, equipment set-up.

Bottom Line...
This section can handle all the information you can gather !


Personal Experiences
Case Management

Endless number of entry's may be added.

the PLAN allows, that each time a team investigator has any sort of personal experience or sensation, for example:

  • See's
  • Hears
  • Smells
  • Feels
  • Taste

(During the investigation the investigator should makes note of all sensation, location and time.)

That information would then be enter here and become an official exhibit of possible paranormal evidence that would also be included in the final report..


Physical Evidence and Possible Explanations
Case Management

This is where all the ghost activity and paranormal evidence collected during the live investigation
comes together.

 The PLAN allow you to enter:

  • Lead Investigator (Auto Fill)
  • Names of Investigators (Auto Fill)
  • Non Members List - Joined in The Investigation
  • Tracks Equipment Used During Investigation  (Auto Fill)
  • Seek approval for recommendations
  • Log Anomalous Readings, Time and Location
  • Moon Cycle
  • Weather Conditions
  • Temperature Anomalies Recording area


Investigation Summation and Conclusions
Case Management

After the investigation has been completed and all the evidence reviewed here is where you present your findings and place your final comments.

  • Events captured on Video
  • Events captured on Film
  • Events captured on Digital Camera
  • Events captured on Voice Recorders (EVPs)
  • Events captured on IR Cameras
  • Events captured on EMF meter
  • Personal Experiences and Observations
  • Scientific Explanation &
    Probable Cause
  • Evidence of Tampering / Dishonesty
  • Final Comments and Conclusion


Investigator's Recommendations
Case Management

To your client this may be the most
important page..

Here is where you would make any recommendation to the property owner or reporting party.

This is where your expertise comes in as you will advise your clients what steps they need to take next.

If it's non paranormal, discuss your finding and how to solve the problem, if needed suggest do it yourself fix's or suggest finding a contractor i.e. plumber, electrician, carpenter etc.

In the case your determination is paranormal or haunted by ghost is your duties to try and comfort them and offer suggestions on how to remove the spirit from their location, or who, where and how to may seek additional help.

Your first concern should be to help them to understand what they are dealing with and how to deal with their situation as well as ways to positively re-enforce and regain their control.

Investigation Log
Case Management

All case related information pertaining
to real time of the investigation

All case-related information is conveniently and automatically saved and can and reports can be secured from tampering, via the use of optional Password Protection ...

With The PLAN everyone on your team will have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

This section The PLAN includes:

  • Lead Investigator (Auto Fill)
  • Names of Investigators (Auto Fill)
  • Non Members List - Joined in the Investigation
  • Tracks Equipment Used During Investigation  (Auto Fill)
  • Log Anomalous Readings, Time and Location
  • Moon Cycle
  • Weather Conditions
  • Temperature Anomalies Recording Area

All the information gather here will become part of the evidence and included in your final report...



The PLAN Requirements ...

Will run on any "Windows" operating system

*Sorry will not run on MAC's

But Wait ... There's More,
If You Act Now You'll  Also Receive...

ghost hunting software

Pure White Noise

White Noise is a signal (or process) with a flat frequency spectrum. In other words, normal background noises can be neutralized so that any suspected paranormal voices or sounds will  then have a higher bandwidth and they become the centre frequency.

EVP's is today one of the most fascinating areas of paranormal research.

Human-sounding voices from unknown origin are recorded on such electronic media as analog tape recorders, digital voice recorders, video recorders and other devices. Strangely, the voices are not heard at the time of the recording; it is only when the recording is played back that the voices are heard.

With the help of the White Noise CD you will be able to hear on your digital recorder the spirits respond, answer questions, even ask questions of their own.

Numerous ghost hunters, paranormal investigators and ghost enthusiasts have used White Noise like this to aid them on their paranormal investigations. This White Noise is a must have for paranormal investigations. The White Noise runs approximately 60 minutes.

This recording contains 100% genuine white noise, the best quality white noise you can get. There are "white noise generators", which sell for a lot more, that are usually frequency-biased in their attempt to simulate white noise.

60 minutes of frequency-neutral and non-repetitive white noise. Don't take any chances!

Get the "cleanest" white noise there is. Sound frequency  that contains every frequency from 0 Hz to 22,050 Hz (22.05 kHz) at equal power, with absolutely no distortion or repetitiveness, in stereo. This is as good as white noise gets!


If you want to begin introducing White Noise into your next investigation.

You'll receive a 60 minute MP3 recording as a bonus, that you can download to your computer, burn to a CD and play it on sight at your next investigation.


Food For Thought, Think About This...

Are you tired of losing pieces of important information gathered before, during and after investigations?

Have you ever waste time trying to find information from a previous investigation?

Have you spent hours compiling a report for your client and think to yourself...There has to be a better way?

Would you like to contact all your team members with one click of a button?

Do you want to look professional ?

Then what are you waiting for?

The PLAN can help solve all these problems and offers so many more benefits
in tracking your entire investigation from start to finish.

It will save you hours in allowing you to keep personal profiles on each of your investigators, keeping tabs on your expensive equipment and not to mentions neatly storing all the data including EVP's and Photos in one complete file for easy and quick access for future reference.

And best of all you give your client a Professional complete report that will only add to your organizations credibility.

Not only that you'll receive the White Noise CD.

White noise neutralizes background noise and is believed to assist you so that any suspected paranormal voices can be heard more clearly as it's frequency is above that of static or normal noise in a given area.

And you also get the " Ghost Weather Station"

This comes in handy if you need to record the current conditions for your Paranormal Investigation report.

So what's all this worth ?



Here's My No Hassle Guarantee !!!

Purchase The PLAN Software today and Try It Out !!!

If for ANY reason in the next two months you are not
completely Satisfied with the software, email me and I
will give you 100% of your Investment Back ...

No Questions and No Hassles !!!

This is my promise to you, I don't think I can be more
fair than that.

Paranormal Investigation Software and Ghost Hunting Software

You Won't Lose A Dime...

Paranormal Investigation and Ghost Hunting Software
Dennis A. Batchelor


So What Are You Waiting For...

If this is just a hobby or looking to become a Professional "Paranormal Investigator".


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